History for OysterBay [800507]

2005-07-10 09:03:10    +0:00 started by Trickle-Down Painkillers [776915]
2005-07-10 11:31:16  +148:06 started by Red 5cience [724291]
2005-07-10 11:34:52  +151:42 started by Mystery Machine Museum [781248]
2005-07-10 13:01:13  +238:03 started by Blood & Bones [761279]
2005-07-10 13:33:15  +270:05 started by Team Briny Deep [712781]
2005-07-10 14:25:23  +322:13 started by The Hollow Men [704285]
2005-07-10 14:51:10  +348:00 started by SFDoh!MA [796673]
2005-07-10 14:54:17  +351:07 started by Coed Astronomy [730245]
2005-07-10 15:04:06  +360:56 started by Longshots [787553]
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