History for Mastermind [845519]
2005-07-10 12:39:31 +0:00 started by Trickle-Down Painkillers [776915]
2005-07-10 14:59:22 +139:51 started by Mystic Fish [739668]
2005-07-10 15:14:23 +154:52 started by Red 5cience [724291]
2005-07-10 16:11:14 +211:43 started by Mystery Machine Museum [781248]
2005-07-10 16:49:53 +250:22 started by Team Briny Deep [712781]
2005-07-10 17:06:05 +266:34 started by XX-Curators [793739]
2005-07-10 17:14:30 +274:59 started by Coed Astronomy [730245]
2005-07-10 17:43:35 +304:04 started by Blood & Bones [761279]
2005-07-10 18:42:08 +362:37 started by The Hollow Men [704285]
2005-07-10 19:54:54 +435:23 started by RadiKS [755729]
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