Help us grow!
From its humble beginnings as a small group of private collectors, the Griffiths Collection has grown into one of California's largest store of British Empire artifacts. Our ability to display the hundreds of significant items in the Collection has long been hampered by the lack of permanent display space. With your help, all that's about to change!
Help make the Griffiths Museum a reality!

On-line donation form coming soon!
The Griffiths Collection Building Campaign would like to thank the following donors for their generous contributions:
Prime Sponsor William and Susan Genter Amelia Dearing Partner Dianne and Quentin Underwood Franklin Ustus, Jr. Orla and Tom Ellenberg Lester Blau Penelope and Owen Slater Shelby Logan Benefactor Seraphina Dufresne Otis Wright Talitha and Edmund Rasmussen Kimberley and Thomas Laird Ikuko and Tom Yuen Karen and Robert Ferrero Linda Fox Wendy and Gerald Filizetti Uma and Neil Quincy Jan Rosenberg Supporter Ursula and Owen Tam Laura Hyland Robert Pearl |
Paula and Richard Price Eileen Terrazas Nucci Stone Ikuko Rosenberg Ulysses Moore Iris Yuen Catherine and Phil Louchheim Orla and Ulysses Roy Sadako Snell Laurose Franklin Linda and Brian Posner Tim Hartzell Elizabeth and Tony Pearl Suzanne and Justin Gralnek Betty Parada Orla and Robert Moseley Wanda Stone Gen and Bob Young Anne Braker Orla Ressel Marge Ibsen Ed Ivanitsky Louise Oliveira Robert Fuzere Friend Gayanne Mirkin Tim Ebbs Calvin Jones Mary Kaun Joyce Strongwater Sheryll and Robert Dawson Zara and Richard Harris Mona Stanley |
Orla and John Campen Grady Ruskin Gary Himmelblau Ed Dilling Jeanne and Ulysses Bronnar Ozzie Phan Anne and Oscar Fox Laura and Whittier Shoch Georgette and Erik Hopkinson Myrna Moore Mary and Paul Bruns Marilyn and George Restrick Robert Neely Jennifer Gonzales Carolyn and Ozzie Rocha Quentin Tanenbaum Louise and Ron Restrick Myrna and Richard Blanchard Marilyn Ponte Elizabeth and Jimmi Sherwood Steve Brock Janet and Tom Melino Fred Sherwood Nucci and Ewout Bloom Caryl and Daryln Cusati Judith and Zach Rohan Valerie and James Hartzell Louise and Daniel McGee Talitha and Walter McHugh Laura and Bill Sheremeta Chuck Mitchell Marion and Alan Peters Loretta and Justin Buenning |
Scott Cohn Peter Minnaert Susie and Dan Fox Betty and Robert Moore Richard Duncan Rhonda and Yosef Geserick Maureen Clark Lisa and Richard Hicks Margot and Michael Geserick Carolyn and Xavier Hogle Daniel Rees Joan Bruns Marilyn and George Parker Yvette and Erik Djenguerian Velma and Michael Bookwalter Talitha and Rob Hine Jacqueline and Whittier Harvey Rhonda and Kevin Launder Andrea and John Frischling Jing Krakower Elizabeth and Leonard Tam Judith Alquist Marion and Xavier Gordon Ruth Gonzales Dorothy and Kevin Wortley Lee Lefaver Amy and William Himmelblau Jenny and Erik Daly Elizabeth Aumack Richard Ferrero Prentiss Christensen Bracey Katz Jenny and Patrick Verprauskus Sandra and Gary Bonner |
New! A special pre-exhibition brunch for Griffiths
donors will be held the day before the opening of the McGuffin
exhibition, on Saturday, July 9. Space is limited.
For more information on how to be a part of this exciting event,
All available space at the brunch has now been filled. If you are
interested in volunteer opportunities at the Griffiths, please contact